Restoration Life Ministries
Restoration Life Ministries was formed November 5, 2012 when Elder Darnell Brown called his wife Minister Kimberly and three children Diante, Amena and Darnell for a meeting. At this meeting Elder Brown informed his family that God was calling him to start a church. The five of them joined together in prayer and it was clear that God was calling for them to start a church and Elder Brown would be its first pastor. The following Sunday, the five met in the Conservatory of their home for Sunday morning worship. In the following months, they continued to meet in their home but the service was moved to their Theater room. During that time other family members and family friends joined them for worship at their home. Elder Brown and the four members created Bylaws and they were adopted February 1, 2013. Restoration Life Ministries became incorporated in the State of West Virginia on February 5, 2013. After a year of worshiping in the their home, the Lord spoke to Elder Brown to move the worship service out of their home into a hotel. On November 3, 2013, Restoration Life Ministries held its first public worship service at the Comfort Suites conference room 1937 Short Rd. Martinsburg, WV. During that service there were 8 in attendance. Darnell Brown, Kimberly Brown, Diante Opher, Amena Brown, Darnell Brown II, Ellsworth Cheeks and Michael & Gwendolyn Hebron. The following Sunday Bro. Cheeks and Bro & Sis Hebron came forward to receive the right hand of fellowship and became members of Restoration Life Ministries. Also, Bro. Cheeks became the first person to give his life to the Lord through Restoration Life Ministries on that Sunday. The ministry moved into a leased building at 320 Wilson Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 before the end of December 2013.
Form of Worship & Code of Doctrine and Discipline
Restoration Life Ministries form of worship is Nondenominational. We are Nondenominational because we do not have one set approach to worship God. We have a contemporary worship style in the way we sing on the other hand; we are liturgical in our sacramental services, dress and order of service.
Restoration Life Ministries doctrine and discipline is to follow the words of Jesus “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (John 13:34). Our doctrine is to operate out of the love of God. Also, we “And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.” (Deuteronomy 28:14). Our discipline is to follow the commandments of the Bible.
Community Service
During our existence, Restoration Life Ministries has provided food and clothing to individuals in need. We have counseled several individuals with substance abuse issues and made referrals to inpatient and outpatient programs. Currently, our ministries function as one unit to meet the need of our local and foreign communities. Furthermore, we are supporting individuals with funds to become independent and feed their families. We plan to have a program that will provide help with funds for utility bills, rent, and etc… according to a screening process. We also have supported several other churches and ministries with funds to feed, clothe and house individuals in need. Restoration Life Ministries is not focused on the United States alone; we have also sent support to Africa. Moreover, in the future we plan to have departments that will address different needs of the community. We offer marriage and family counseling to help support the family structure. Also, we plan to have a Bible based Residential Substance Abuse Program to assist those that struggle with chemical dependency. Restoration Life Ministries reaches the youth of the community through services and activities such as offering free movie nights on Fridays to keep youth off the streets. While we are eager to help others by meeting the needs of the community, our ultimate goal is “Restoring Lives Back unto the Kingdom of God.”
"Restoring Lives Back to the Kingdom of God"